Daily Gratitude
Your thoughts, words and tones are SO important! Every thought you have and word you speak and the tone you speak them with, change the very fabric of the universe for ever after.
Consider that the word Uni-Verse, literally means One-Song. Everything in the universe moves, vibrates, and therefore, has a sound. The Universe is a combination of all the sounds together all at once.
The words you speak and the tones you use can make or break your day and the day of everyone you come in contact with.
Often when people first start practicing mediation, it's a real surprise to realise the amount of junk that circulates continuously around in our minds, it can actually be quite shocking!
From our thoughts, words ensue. Without practice, these words may not be in our, or others, best interest. Remembering this at the beginning of each day, stilling our minds for just a moment, becoming present, making a decision to go forth and be impeccable with our word, is one of the best things we can do for the planet! Not to mention our own health and well being and that of our family and friends. Striving toward our namesake ~ Human Kind.
That is why we include a massage mantra in our Breast Care Routine, it is a truly important aspect, brings us in to the present moment and reminds us to be grateful for all we have, especially this precious gift of life.

Happy Breast Balm
Massage Mantra